Clarke Family News

Friday, September 29, 2006

Fall Season Sports Underway

Quinn is back at it with two sports for the early Fall season, soccer and flag football.

Both leagues are a bit different this year.

Soccer is four on four, up from three on three, but still with no goalie and coaches on the field. The 4x4 format has much less scoring, but he did have one goal in their second game (the team's first) and a pretty good assist in last week's game. Quinn's coach is trying to stress passing and teamwork, some other coaches are not.

The yellow team's name this season...Galaxy.

Flag football's big change is that the players, not the coaches, play quarterback. Here we see Quinn's first play as quarterback, which ended with his first, and the team's first, interception. We don't have any pictures of that part of the play.

Most importantly the kids are learning skills, which for Quinn has meant paying attention to what he is doing.

The green team's name this season...The Spartans