Clarke Family News

Thursday, June 08, 2006

End of Days?

The last day of Kindergarten came and went last week. On Wednesday I went to have lunch with Quinn and his class and observed as they suffered thruogh their final exam, write a sentence without copying it off the board. Quinn liked one of the sentences on the board, and tried to angle to copy, but was cut off and had to re-do his work after unch. I think he ended up with "I like my dog." or something like that.

Hot lunch, the second treat of the day, was pizza dippers, green beans, pineapple chunks, milk and a cookie. The tables in the gymnasium are small, but we made it work. After lunch we had recess, and I did my best to learn the ins and outs of kick and catch. It's sort of a cross between kick-ball (with lots more balls and no base running) dodge ball (with all the catching and less throwing the ball in the opponent's face) and red rover (without the physical contact). Scoring is kept in a vague way that lets everyone claim victory. Anyway, two mobs of kids occupy either side of a field, each armed with a variety of balls. The object seems to be to kick the ball to the other team in a way that they cannot catch it on the fly...either by kicking it over their heads or by kicking it so high that it cannot be caught. I'm not sure who keeps track of scores, or how much each catch is worth, but I was told that my kicking the ball over the heads of the 1st and 2nd graders we were up against propelled us to victory, something that I'm sure doesn't happen all that much for the lowly kindergarteners.

Thursday was the last day of school (only a half day) and it ended with an all school picnic, complete with an ice cream truck. Dee, Josie and I met Quinn and the rest of his class for the picnic. We were going to Mom's for Frank's birthday (including ice cream cake) so we skipped the ice cream truck, but still managed to have a good time.

Quinn now has six weeks of half day summer school, and then the rest of the summer off before starting 1st grade in the fall.


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