Clarke Family News

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Bad Day Photo

I was working with Chris Clarke-Epstein, going over some stuff for a website update ( and and we were looking at some site statistics. We kept finding people linking in from blog sites. Chris has had some interest in blogging, I've been pretty cold to it...I've never read any and seemed to think it is more an outlet for people with no outlet. Anyway, she's done the research and I'm ignorant in this area, so we started to look at some of the sites and what the connection was between all these blog posts and her site.
apparently, lots of people are having bad days. Even more, they like to write about them. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, they like an image to go along with the description, one that captures the essence of just how bad their bad day is. Many of them have chosen this image of my son, Quinn, taken a few years ago at our old house in Oshkosh.
I let Chris use that image a few years back, and she uses it in some of her programs and has it on her site. Apparently it gets used pretty often. I searched "bad day" on Google images and it came up on the first page of results.
I've never felt it necessary to put a copyright notice on an image before, but I put one on it today.


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