Clarke Family News

Friday, July 21, 2006

Josie Turns One(ish)--the Year in Review

It's been just over a year since Josephine came to live with us. For the most part she's been an angel. Really. She seems only to cry about very specific things (usually things we can fix in one or two tries). She sleeps through the night. She doesn't usually wake up to loud noises (they are building two houses across the street and have finished the one next to us) unless Quinn is making them. She was slow to start crawling (blessed immobility) and isn't walking yet. She is fond of standing up next to things like tables and chairs, and f there is something to grab you can bet it will be relocated to the floor. She loves phones and remote controls, and seems to know real ones from fake. The real ones are better.

Most of her first few days were spent under a green glowing blanket. Which was nice, I'm sure, in the summer heat.

She had lots of visitors
in the early days.

July was spent asleep, when Quinn would leave her alone. Here she is sleeping while he was busy at swimming lessons.

She woke up for August. Here she is trying to see
what's under the bill of Ken's cap.

September took Quinn out of the house for Kindergarten, so Dee had time for a room make-over.

Tragedy struck in October. During a little publicized alien invasion, Josie was captured and partially encased in an alien pod, probably to be transported to the alien home planet. Quick action was needed, and Quinn boarded the mother-ship after he painted himself green to better blend with the alien invaders. Without concern for his own well being or the cleanliness of his clothes, he single-handedly battled his way through the alien ship and rescued Josie from the alien vegetable cocoon.

November brought a number of changes, including the introduction of food. Here Josie enjoys some sort of mashed grain.

December had us getting ready for Josie's first Christmas. Numerous gender mis-identifications prompted Dee to issue an all-girly clothing order effective immediately. Josie says, "Yes Ma'am!"

January and February were cold, and Josie showed only passing interest in the Winter Olympics. She spent most of her time reading.

March was spent in the tub getting swimsuit ready.

April was busy with standing training and Quinn's Flag Football games to attend to. There's just so much laundry...

May means Mother's Day, so Quinn and Josie tried to put aside their differences to give Dee one day of peace and quiet. As you can see it lasted just long enough to take one picture.

June started off with some degree of difficulty as we were swarmed by giant ladybugs. Fortunately, by Josie's birthday we were able to catch one and use it as a birthday cake. They're delicious if you cook them just right! Look, there's another one...

Shortly after the birthday party we took a trip to see Josie's Godfather. Here you see her paddling out in an inflatable to save him from drowning.

Well, that's it. A whole year. I'm sorry you couldn't have been there to see all of it. Come to think of it, if you had been there, I might have gotten to take a nap. Hope to see you soon.


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